Course Maps
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Run/walk- This year 21km run/walk means half marathon so the challenge is up; partly it's in the courses as previous years with added twist to give you the distance. All courses will be well marked along the way.
Mountain bike. The 27km , 20Km and the 13km all go up the Big Easy and include the Twisted Linker and end of the Twisted Monster trail. The 27Km & 20Km make their way up to the Whitehorse then back down Wriggly Beast, Rosewood Link & Filthy Animal and back onto the Big Easy. The 27 Km goes into private land where there is over 5km of digger-built mountain bike trails. A loop of the Big Gully is first and then another loop at the end of the airstrip paddock. These two loops include new trails as well as upgraded older trails. You will have the option of riding a variety of intermediate grade trail features or you can choose the B-Line and ride around them. The 27 Km also includes the Cheese Roll.
The 7km mountain bike course is over similar course as in 2021 starting and finishing at Victoria Park.
You can get out and train on the walk and run courses at anytime, they are all on public land. Some of the MTB courses are on private land, but there are plenty or tracks to train on up in the Hunters Hills. Check out Waimate's public tracks here
Walk/run courses
MTB courses